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May 4, 2020

Adult Vaccinations

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February 21, 2020

Fight COVID-19 with simple home based workouts

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Share0 Exercise to fight the virusBuild up your immune system by adopting an active lifestyle. This can be simply done at the convenience and comfort of your living... Read More

February 6, 2020

9 Steps to Protect against the Flu Virus

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1. Avoid touching your faceAvoid touching your face with unclean hands as this increases the chances of catching the virus2. HandshakesHandshakes can pass the virus if the infected... Read More

December 24, 2019

Eating Right this Festive Season

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1. Have Regular MealsDo not skip meals to prepare for the festive meal as overeating might easily occur.2. Start with a serving of saladFill up with some fiber... Read More

October 29, 2019

Cholesterol & You

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What is cholesterol?It is a waxy, fatty substance produced by the liver, is essential for the production of hormones, vitamin D & digestive components in the bodyOnly 25%... Read More